United Women In Faith
Equipping Women & Girls to Be Leaders
UWF equips women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities, agencies, governments, and churches.
UWF provides and supports leadership development of its members to give women of all racial, ethnic, language and economic groups the opportunity to realize their full potential and to participate in the life of the church and society. We offer leadership development, training, and resources for:
Teen women and college/university women
Conference and district leadership of United Methodist Women
Hispanic, Korean and women of other language groups
Five Channels of Mission Giving
Through their generosity UWF members help empower and improve the lives of women, youth and children in the United States and around the world.
About 70 percent of Mission Giving funds from members go to programs and projects supporting women, children and youth. Around 20-30 percent stays with the local, district, and conference organizations of United Methodist Women for local mission. Only 9 percent covers administrative costs.
Pledge to Mission
An individual member's Pledge to Mission is the amount a woman gives to her local unit to help fulfill the Purpose of United Methodist Women.
The conference UWF pledges a specific amount to UWF's national office for mission with women, children and youth and retains a designated percent to be used for district and conference administration and membership development expenses.
World Thank Offering
Spontaneous additional gifts can be given out of gratitude for God's abundance and in celebration of the joys of life.
The World Thank Offering is an opportunity for individuals to respond to God's abundance and grace with spontaneous gifts of gratitude. The funds collected are used in the total program of mission carried on through UWF's national office in the United States and around the world.
Special Mission Recognition Pins and Certificates
These pins offer a meaningful way to honor members who have dedicated so much time and effort to service. Gift amounts range from $40 to $2,000. Pins are purchased through a treasurer.
Gift to Mission
Make a gift in honor of someone and send a card to the honoree. The following cards are available: Congratulations, Thank You, A Baby, In the Service of Christ, A Special Day, Thinking of You, Happy Birthday and assorted Christmas cards.
Gift in Memory
Give a gift in memory of a member, a friend or anyone, in any amount of $5 or more. Gift in Memory cards, available free, may be sent to the family of the deceased.
United Women in Faith: Organized for Growth
UWF, like The United Methodist Church, is a connectional system. The major links of UWF are:
The local group
The district organization
The conference organization
The jurisdiction organization
The national office
All of these groups relate to one another in a variety of ways; each group is empowered to structure itself in ways that fulfill the PURPOSE, best use the gifts of its members and meet the needs of its community in the world. Every level of the organization is connected in mission with Global Ministries.
Local groups report to district organizations, which report to conference organizations. A Board of Directors and a Program Advisory Group oversee the national office and conference organizations.